
Writing is my hobby and stress relief. My website supports my book sales and the blog posts are another creative outlet. I am always looking for new ideas and new new contacts in the publishing world.

When I published my first novel almost 4 years ago I never thought I would publish another. Nor did I ever think anyone would want to read my writing. To date I have 13 published titles. While it isn’t all the works I have rolling around in my head it is more than I ever dreamed.

What People Say

 This was every bit as spellbinding as “The Once And Future King”,etc. Maybe even better as the main character is a young female. 

Amazon Reviewer

Realistic characters in a futuristic setting. Excellent for die-hard military science fiction fans.

N. N. Light~ POTL Reviews

The Rashade has similar tones to books such as Deltora Quest and Game of Thrones as the main characters set on an adventure where there are tombs, priestesses and sword fights that will leave the reader on the edge of their seat in anticipation.

Literary Titan

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