Beta Reading

Many sites offer beta reads or reviews and sometimes both. I however, promise to work with you to help you improve your book and writing. I will also never publish anything on my website or any seller’s site that will hurt your ratings.

Beta Reading with general feedback:

  • $10 per 10,000 words

Beta Reading with the above service and detailed feedback including minor copy editing and plot/story line suggestions:

  • $20 per 10,000 words

Beta Reading with the above two services and a review on my website:

  • $60 up to 50,000 words

Beta Reading with the above three services and an Amazon review or seller of your choice/choices:

  • $60 + cost of the ebook up to 50,000 words

An example of general feedback from a beta read can be found here.

Please email me at or direct message me on Twitter, FB, or Instagram to arrange beta reading services.