Golden Quill Awards

I am thrilled and honored to announce that Neutral Space and Dragons of the North are Semifinalists for a Golden Quill Award. Golden Box Books Publishing announced their short list of semifinalists last week and both books made this prestigious list. Now I need your help. In addition to being semifinalists they are also in … More Golden Quill Awards

A Character Interview with Katriane Dupont by D. Fischer #IAN1 #IARTG

What is your favorite weapon?
Kat lifts her hands, turning them this way and that, examining her the lines along her palms. She lifts her eyes to the interviewer, an orange glow spreading across the rims of her iris’. The skin above her cheekbones darken, and her teeth elongate, sharpen. A puff of smoke curls from her nostrils, trickling up her cheek. “I am the weapon.”

More A Character Interview with Katriane Dupont by D. Fischer #IAN1 #IARTG


My point with this long and rambling blog is: that inspiration for settings, whether you are building a new world or placing characters in ours, is right in front of you. If you need a huge waterfall, or a mountain with a lake below it, or even an alien landscape everything you need is just a picture away.  … More Inspiration