Creating an Urban Fantasy World

If your an aspiring author trying to make it on your own writing that first novel can seem like an overwhelming task. While For Their Sins wasn’t my first novel it was the first one to be picked up by a publisher. Receiving that email that said, ‘yes we’re interested,’ was like Christmas.

To spread the joy I thought I would share tricks I learned while writing it. Each week to ten days I’ll post a new topic so sit back and relax I’ve done the heavy lifting for you.

The original posts will be on my publishers website so don’t be alarmed when you see the link each time. Feel free to check out other authors while your over there too. They have a variety of topics on the blog. This weeks post is on, you guessed it, creating an urban fantasy world.

I hope you enjoy this series. Please feel free to leave comments or questions here or on my publishers blog.

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