Blogging Together

In the fall of 2017 I joined a small group of independent authors who had a goal in mind. They wanted to have a joint blog to share their message and promote their books. When I joined the site was nearing 100,000 views now they are approaching 250,000 and reach the top of Google’s search engines without any paid promotions. It’s been a lot of hard work and most of that credit goes to Erika Szabo the creator of the site. She has been the backbone and driving force of the blog from day one and never stops no matter what speed bump she hits.

Our Author Gang has new posts at least 5 days a week that cover a variety of topics including funny stories, book promos, interesting history or folklore, and even the occasional contest. Each author has their own unique voice and are free to blog about whatever they choose so you never know what you’ll open the page up to that day. I have a page dedicated to these amazing authors on my own site and I hope you enjoy getting to know them as much as I have.


Please enjoy this small video the gang put together for your viewing pleasure.


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