Summer Fun


Growing up we didn’t have a ton of money. We weren’t poor but we didn’t have Gateway-Arch-St-Louis1enough for fancy vacations or lavish trips. So my parents got creative. I guess you could say they were ahead of their time. We had staycations every summer. It was the best part of being off school. Sure we didn’t have homework or overbearing teachers for three months but getting to choose where you went for a whole day was even better.


zooFor one day of the summer each of us three kids could choose one destination in the St Louis area that we wanted to visit. We each got our own special day to go someplace awesome. We couldn’t repeat though. Most of the time we went to the same places we went the year before: the zoo, Grants Farm, the Magic House, Six Flags, the Science Center. One year we even drove to Meremac Caverns. Some of them were free and others cost a pretty penny. My parents never complained.

It was never about what we did for my parents. It was always about the time we spent together. I’m sure at times it was hard to over look the constant arguing between my brothers and I, but somehow they managed and we didn’t miss a year until my oldest brother started working.

I look at my kids now and try to do the same. On those days when I just want to be my reclusive self stuck behind a computer screen I remember all the fun we had right here in Missouri and drag myself out of the house. Then I see the girls smile and its all worth it. The best thing about summer always was and always will be my family.


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