Gimme A Break

readbook2Over the last several weeks I was feeling overwhelmed and yes a little dejected. Book sales were slow. A couple of the books that I read were not posted on my blog to protect the authors from negative reviews. My giveaway felt like a bust. I’m sure it happens to a lot of indie authors. I needed a break.

It came at the perfect time actually. I had several days off work and my house was too chaotic with painters to focus on writing or reviewing. So I read a whole string of paranormal romances. I originally intended to read just one to clear my head but then I found a really great author. Hmm, imagine that. Her name is Terry Bolryder and it was just what I needed. A week off of social media and my own worries so I could get lost in a world where dragons become men. Don’t judge me please. I came out of my break energized and ready to try my hand at a romance novel. Not an action novel with some romance thrown in like I typically write. Nope, the real thing. We’ll see how it goes but I’m at 7,126 words and counting.

My point with this rather unusual blog is to remind you that its ok to take a break. Disappearing from social media for a week probably wasn’t my best idea but its what I needed. My head is clear now and the ideas are flowing. Sometimes, something has to give don’t let it be you. Give yourself permission to read that book you’ve been dying to even if it isn’t on your reading list, or watch that movie even if you haven’t met your readbook7word goal for the day. We are all just human and most of us who are independent authors got into this because we love it. Its a hobby not a job. Once its a job will we still love it?

I’m sure everyone has their own school of thought but for me I’ll take my breaks when I need them. Next week on and off will be spent making a Christmas tree skirt for my best friend. I’ll post pictures when I finish. How do you: ease stress, get rid of writers block, forget about set backs? I would love to know other writers tricks.

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